Legal matters

The “party girls” named on this website are independent party organizers and tenants of the party location and work independently.

They organize the parties on their own account. The “Club Saint-Tropez”, Sandbüelstrasse 6, 8604 Volketswil provides you with suitable premises, advertising platforms and administrative services. Payment at the party is made directly to the ladies attending the party in question. Any customer monies collected by “Club Saint-Tropez” are received purely as a collection service on behalf of the party organizers.

The customer enters into a direct contractual relationship with the respective lady for each service provided by the ladies. Each lady determines the services she offers herself and has the right at any time to refuse services and requests from customers, i.e. to refuse guests and to offer or practice only the service defined at her discretion.

Each lady decides independently which party she co-organizes, or which party she attends when, where and for how long. All ladies determine their breaks as well as all their actions and services during each party themselves and without external rules or requirements. Each lady determines her own working hours as well as her attendance and presence times.

All ladies are at least 18 years old. The age will be checked by the club operator.

All ladies are resident in Switzerland.

All legal requirements and regulations are strictly adhered to.